business law

Do You Need a Lawyer to Draft Business Contracts? (Pros and Cons)

Hiring a Las Vegas business lawyer is an excellent idea for any number of activities that will possess a legal…

9 months ago

Why Intellectual Property Is a Crucial Business Asset

Intellectual property is one of the most important elements that can define a business. This will be the sum of…

9 months ago

Will Our Divorce Affect Our Family Business?

Will a divorce affect your family business? Well, the short answer is almost certainly it will. However, you can conduct…

9 months ago

How to Know When It’s Time to File for Bankruptcy

Hard times are prone to come. No matter how rich and organized you are, you can find yourself in a…

9 months ago

Following Business Estate Guidelines Is Easier With a Skilled Lawyer at Your Side

If you are determined to have things planned out well in advance, there's a good chance that you have made…

11 months ago

A Well drafted Operating Agreement and thought out business plan is well worth it.

An LLC needs two documents: · Articles of Organization to register your LLC with your state. · An Operating Agreement…

12 months ago